After the success of my original cookie dough energy bites, I’ve been making so many for my family and I felt like mixing up the flavours a little. I have the biggest sweet tooth and no matter how many delicious healthy fruits and treats there are available, sometimes just nothing bar the taste of chocolate will satisfy it! [Read more...]
Chocolate and Coconut Cookie Dough Bites and Biscuits
Soft Bake Cookies
I try and post a wide variety of recipes for everyone to try out, both really simple and some which take a bit more time and effort. In the recipe below you might, like me a few months ago, come across a few ingredients you haven’t heard of or have in the cupboard at home but don’t give up there! [Read more...]
Johnny Cakes Recipe and Review of BabyCakes Cookbook by Erin Mckenna
I was given this book by a friend last Christmas. On my first flick through, all the pictures look delicious and I was torn over what to make first. This book is full of completely vegan recipes, along with most of them also being gluten and sugar free. [Read more...]
Power Packed Flapjacks and All About Oats!
Up until just last year I was never a big fan of oats, I always imagined them tasting very dull and being very heavy on my stomach but with all the known health benefits of oats I began to look in to ways I could get them in to my diet [Read more...]
Cookie Dough Energy Bites
These tasty bites are the perfect solutions to satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way and they are also an ideal bite to boost your energy. They taste very similar to cookie dough and so simple to make. [Read more...]
Fruit Crunch Breakfast Tower with Homemade Vegan Alternative to Yoghurt
This morning I had a little more time to make myself some breakfast, I looked in the fridge and found lots of berries I bought a few days ago which needed eating up. The idea of this breakfast tower then came to mind [Read more...]
Fruity Rice Krispy Bars
After I made my Fruit Crunch Breakfast this morning( I decided to use up the rest of the cereal to make one of my all-time favourites, Rice Krispie bars. [Read more...]
Tasty Banana Berry and Oat Breakfast Bars
Routine is important in any diet but I know how hard it can be to follow a healthy eating pattern when you have a busy schedule. Rushing around in the morning, trying to get out the door on time, means that I often don’t have time to make a perfectly balanced breakfast. [Read more...]